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June 27, 2024

The theme of art in hospitality was at the center of the second edition of “Behind The Scenes” the Glion event which took place in Milan. A very current topic that sees hotels incorporating right from their design, stylistic choices of architects and works of artists with various styles. Hotels thus become real art galleries. An ever-growing trend that guests really like and improves their experience.   It was the Hotel Vik in Milan, the perfectly suitable location to host “Behind The Scenes”, the press event organized by Glion Institute of Higher Education now in its second edition. The topic...
The growth of Planetaria Hotels continues. The new entry is a jewel of Venice. Ca’ Pisani Deco Design Hotel is in fact the first Design Hotel in the Serenissima. A charming boutique hotel embellished with original furnishings from the 1930s and 1940s. A new cult address for stylish stays on the lagoon     Ca’ Pisani Deco Design Hotel in Venice now enriches the accommodation offer of Planetaria Hotels, the hotel company of the Vedani family. The official presentation of the new entry took place on June 25th at Chateau Monfort, the group’s exclusive Milanese hotel, in the presence of...

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